The renovation/construction of our front porch is now complete! New decking, new steps, and new safety rails. Drive by some time and admire! |
Are you interested in being a service leader, writing a sermon and/or planning and leading the worship service? This workshop will address these two topics. Please contact Drew if you’re interested in joining.
If this time isn’t good for you, contact Drew to get individual training. If you are interested in learning more about UU history, our fellowship’s history, meeting new folks, and exploring the first phase of possibly joining this tradition, please join Laura McBride on Sunday, October 25 at 12:30 p.m. Feel free to eat your lunch and plan for one hour of connection, learning, and relaxation. There is no exam or homework. If you are interested in watching a introductory video regarding our faith, please view this YouTube video by Peter Bowden called Unitarian Universalism: You're Uni-What?. If you have specific questions, please contact Laura at [email protected] or call/text 989-772-5512. Join us via Zoom!
While we cannot endorse candidates for office, we would like to applaud these members and friends of our Fellowship who are running for office in the November 3 election:
The Communications Committee is excited to announce changes to our fellowship’s Facebook Group. The group was created to enable dialogue, action, fellowship and support for members and friends. You can search for and join this private group using the new name, UUFCM Connections. In addition to information posted by the administrator, all members of the group are invited to post comments, photos, and links that would be of interest to all. A good rule of thumb would be to consider UUFCM Connections as a virtual coffee hour. Anything you would feel comfortable sharing during coffee hour would probably be appropriate here. If in doubt about what to post remember our mission, our covenant, and see the additional rules listed in the group.
February 2025