Thanks to everyone who participated in January's plastic reduction tasks!!! Remember to get your point totals to Jodi Fisher at [email protected]. There is still time to finish up, so keep up the good work FOREVER!!! We will be announcing the February tool kit on Sunday. Think water protection.....
To get signed up, see program instructions, ask questions, contact Jodi or use this link to view more about the initiative. Click here to access January's toolbox. Over the last several months, we have had significant backup issues with the toilets in the small bathrooms on the lower level. We have had to have a plumber in three times to try to resolve the issue (at a significant expense to the congregation), and while they have now cleaned out the lines all the way to University Street, including removing roots, they said that they have also found paper towel in the lines.
Therefore, please make sure to not throw paper towels, Kleenex, nor female sanitary items into our toilets! You are all invited to our fourth bi-annual Community Justice Party on Saturday, February 17, 700-9:00 pm. There will be a program in the sanctuary of music, skits, poetry, and a “Guess the Activist” contest highlighting several social justice issues, and then we will meet in the Fellowship Hall for light refreshments and a rousing cake walk! This was a highlight event in 2019, so be sure to have it on your calendar!Cakes and Pies Requested for Community Justice Party! Joyce Henricks is asking for volunteers who would be willing to prepare a cake or pie for the popular Cake Walk at our Community Justice Party on February 17. Please contact Joyce ([email protected]) if you are interested in providing a cake or pie for the event.
Twenty-seven members and friends of the Fellowship gathered on Sunday, January 20, for a half-day retreat on the topic of covenant: the promises we make to one another about how we will treat each other. In case you missed it, in our small groups we discussed these questions:
February 2025