Be sure to put Saturday, January 26, on your calendar for our annual all-congregation retreat. While always a valuable gathering, this year it will be particularly important as we gather to discuss our future.
During our worship service on Sunday, December 9, we will formally dedicate our “Tree of Remembrance” that was installed in our welcome lobby this fall. This artwork was commissioned by the UUFCM Board of Trustees to stand as a memorial to our members and friends of the Fellowship who have died – the tree when fully completed will have leaves attached that bear the names of those who have passed. We have invited their family members to join us in the celebration, and we will also live-stream the dedication for those who are unable to attend.
Our annual Thanksgiving “Harvest Feast” celebration was a wonderful highlight of the year. We served about 70 people...and could have served even more as we had an abundance of food. We want to thank all those who provided delicious dishes: salads, fruits, casseroles, hot vegetables, sweet potatoes, vegetarian and vegan dishes, turkey, gravy, dressing, bread, rolls…and pies, cakes and cookies!
Another thank you to all the volunteers who happily set up on Saturday, came early on Sunday to organize the dishes and stayed after the feast to clean up. Kudos also to our youth – Abi Bailey and Tanyth Bass who served as Masters of Ceremonies, Jolie Damer-Daigle and Cynthia Damer who played violin duets, and Alexis Calhoun and Quinn Pelcher who entertained us with their Knock Knock jokes. We also appreciate our younger youth who had an overnight at the church on Saturday and made stone soup, bread, and butter, led by our RE Director Kendra Peffers and supported by Karlee Liles, Cynthia Damer and Norma Bailey. Last, but by no means least, a tremendous thank you to Jen Prout and Kris Los who oversaw the entire operation and worked almost all shifts! We couldn’t have done it without you both! It is at times like this that we experience the abundance of talent and generosity in our community. The friendship found in this community of faith gives special meaning to Thanksgiving. 12/6/18 Oh No, Brigitte! How Could We Forget? We owe a huge apology to Brigitte Bechtold who we inadvertently forgot to mention and thank profusely for all her work to help make our Harvest Feast such a success. She was essential as the third member of the “Three Musketeers” that provided leadership for the Harvest Feast this year. Thank you so much, Brigitte! Our worship service this Sunday, November 18 will also include the celebration and welcome of our newest UUFCM member, Matt Cavalieri. Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of Matt’s official welcome as a member of this beloved community!
This year UUFCM members and friends together donated $1145 to CMU Public Media. Mary Alsager will soon take this money over and get a new contract for (hopefully!) a little more air time on WCMU. Thank you to all who donated.
November 2024