Get ready for our annual Stewardship Drive which will kick off with a Variety Show on Saturday, February 21 at 7 p.m. at the UU Center. Here is a chance for everybody regardless of age, gender, income, sexual orientation or talent to participate. Can you sing, play an instrument, dance, put on a skit with a friend, juggle, tell stories of your life, do an interpretive reading, etc.? Don't be shy - you'll have an appreciative audience! Deadline for sign up is February 15. If you have questions, contact Gisela Moffit or Laura McBride. Click here for a sign up sheet.
The UUFCM Garage Sale is returning this summer! As you sort through your belongings, consider donating items to be included in the sale in May/June. Later this spring, more announcements will be shared about where to drop off items. This has been a great fundraising opportunity for our fellowship in the past. If you have questions about items to donate, contact Norma Bailey or Laura McBride.
We have already started to receive items for the garage sale in May, and we need a large space to store some of the larger pieces of furniture. If you have a dry garage or barn where we could store these larger items, please contact Norma Bailey right away (989-560-3952 or [email protected]). There is a Fellowship Life meeting on Sunday immediately following the service in the Social Hall. There are three brief items to share with the members and friends. We hope to see you then!
Our Mission Statement: Not Just a Bumper Sticker
Since a good number of people were unable to attend the all-congregation mini-retreat on December 6 because of the holidays, we are repeating the workshop on Saturday, January 24, from 9:00 a.m.-noon. All members and friends are invited to add their voice to the important discussion of “What does it mean to transform ourselves and our world? What does it mean to be with one another, to promise to make our world and ourselves better as a result of being in this UUFCM community?” Please notify Norma Bailey (989-560-3952 or [email protected]) by Wednesday, January 21, if you wish childcare for the workshop. |
February 2025