Please consider making a donation to CMU Public Media. UUFCM annually pools our donations to purchase air time on CMU Public Radio. We typically raise enough get two radio spots weekly for 8-9 months – about $900. We have collected $760 so far, so we are close! Please write your check to CMU Public Media and give it to Mary Alsager. She will be collecting through October.
Are you looking for a small but valuable way to make a contribution to UUFCM? The new sign up sheet for refreshments is in the Social Hall on bright fall orange paper and needs folks who are willing to sign up to bring treats for Sunday mornings. We are nut free due to some with that allergy, and try to offer gluten free options, too. Consider baked goods, popcorn, veggies/fruit, hummus/crackers, and/or pretzels. You could freeze them and bring them ahead of time with a note on them to be put out on a particular day, if you cannot make the Sunday you signed up for. The goodies make the visits around the tables after service even sweeter! Thank you!
When we distributed our Small Interest Groups with photographs of the leaders recently, we received very positive responses. Everybody agreed that knowing what the persons looked like made it so much easier to contact them. Now we are ready to expand this concept and include photos of everybody in the directory. On the next 4 Sundays (Oct. 28-Nov. 18-) Aaron Jones, Terrie Robbie, and James Hatcher have volunteered to do this fun job of taking your smiling pics. You can opt out or submit a photo of your choice, but know that our photographers have cameras with the best pixels for printing:-) Looking forward to getting this project done before the end of the year. Thanks for helping us accomplish this. For questions or comments, contact Gisela.
This workshop is designed for those who feel ready (or even somewhat ready) to make the membership commitment to UUFCM. In this interactive session we explore the deeper meanings and expectations of membership and shared ministry; it is a three-hour session (depending on the size of the group – may be a shorter timeframe if a small group). Refreshments and childcare will be provided. Please let us know one week prior to the class if you need childcare. For more info or to register for a workshop contact: Laura McBride: 989.772.5512 [email protected] or Gisela Moffit: 989.772.1602 [email protected]
January 2025