Every two years in the spring, we hold an all-Fellowship garage sale with profits dedicated to a variety of projects, the last sale paying for our new front porch and steps. As you are doing any early spring housecleaning and come across items you could donate to our garage sale, please hold on to them for the time being. |
This orientation is geared to newcomers, visitors, and those seeking to learn more about Unitarian Universalism and this UU fellowship. It is offered every month on the last Sunday at 12:30 pm. Sessions run approximately two hours. If you are interested in watching an introductory video regarding our faith, please view this YouTube video by Peter Bowden called Unitarian Universalism: You're Uni-What? For more info or to register for Welcome to UU, contact: Laura McBride: 989.772.5512 [email protected]
“The greatest gift you ever give is your honest self.”― Fred Rogers
Every week, as services begin, we are reminded that we are welcome just as we are at UUFCM. We are assured that our whole selves are welcome. Jessica Jernigan, who became a member of this congregation just about a year ago, will share what this means to her and how it inspires her to give back to our beloved community this Sunday. If you have questions about contributing your time, money, or talents to UUFCM, please don’t hesitate to contact Jessica or any other member of the Stewardship Committee—Carol Rard, Mary Alsager, Gisella Moffit, or Guy Newland. “We are each other’s harvest; we are each other’s business;
we are each other’s magnitude and bond.”― Gwendolyn Brooks What do you receive from UUFCM? How do you choose to give back to our fellowship? These are questions the Stewardship Committee invites you to consider as we plan for the year ahead. Over the next few weeks, members of our congregation will be sharing personal reflections on their own relationships with our community. Karen Turnbull will be offering her thoughts at our next service. She’ll be followed by Jessica Jernigan, Jim Dealing, and Laura McBride. On the third Sunday of every month – immediately following our worship service – the UUFCM Board holds a brief Fellowship Life meeting to update the congregation on current happenings, plans and/or concerns within the congregation. The intention is for the meetings to be kept brief; the hope is for extended conversation to take place following the meeting during the coffee hour time. Please plan to attend.
February 2025