We use an app called Remind to send out urgent notices such as service cancellations, special announcements, and fraud alerts. Please send Laura McBride your phone number and/or email address so you can receive these notices. You may add the Remind app to your smartphone, or once your info is added to the app, you will get an invitation from Remind explaining how to add the app to your phone. If you have questions, contact Laura McBride ([email protected]; 989.772.5512). She is adding names and info as they come in. If you received a notification, please respond to it!
If you are interested in learning more about UU history, our fellowship’s history, meeting new folks, and exploring the first phase of possibly joining this tradition, please join Laura McBride on Sunday, December 27 at 12:30 p.m. Feel free to eat your lunch and plan for one hour of connection, learning, and relaxation. There is no exam or homework. If you are interested in watching a introductory video regarding our faith, please view this YouTube video by Peter Bowden called Unitarian Universalism: You're Uni-What?. If you have specific questions, please contact Laura at [email protected] or call/text 989-772-5512. Join us via Zoom!
Our new contract with CMU Public Media begins January 4, 2021. Our collection of $1315 gives us the usual 60 spots plus an additional 17 spots. You will hear “Support for WCMU comes from the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Central Michigan. Their virtual welcoming church services are Sunday at 10:30am. More information is available on the web at U-U-F-C-M dot org.” Listen at various times, including the new time of “The Beat” Saturdays between 1-4pm. Thank you to those who contributed, and to Mary Alsager for organizing this effort.
Be sure to put Saturday, January 23, 10am-noon, on your calendar for our all congregation annual retreat. We will be discussing who we are and how we are doing as we prepare to vote to call a settled minister, one of the most important actions a UU congregation can take.
On the third Sunday of every month – immediately following our worship service – the UUFCM Board holds a brief Fellowship Life meeting to update the congregation on current happenings, plans and/or concerns within the congregation. The intention is for the meetings to be kept brief; the hope is for extended conversation to take place following the meeting during the coffee hour time. Please plan to attend.
September 2024