Reflections on stewardship are being shared in worship services for our fellowship's stewardship season. Aaron Jones, Norma Bailey, and Susan Paton have shared their hearts with us regarding why they come and support our lovely fellowship (see Norma's and Susan's reflections here!). Join us to hear more messages through April with the voices of Brigitte Bechtold, Katie Zapoluch, Carolyn Hancock, and Kevin Daum.
A letter and the proposed budget are on their way to you so you may plan your giving for Stewardship Sunday-Earth Day Festival on April 22, 2018. There will be forms and charts available online and on the counter near the name tags by the end of the month.
Schedule of Events for Stewardship Sunday-Earth Day Festival:
- Pledge Central Booth: 9:00-4:00 (closed 10:30-11:30 a.m.)
- Worship service: 10:30-11:30 with Jennifer Teed from MUUSJN
- Luncheon: 11:45-1:00
- Afternoon Events: 1:00-2:30
- Make garden stepping stones & painting rocks
- Watercolor painting
- Clean out garden & flower beds (weather permitting)
- Meditation in or outdoors
- Hand/foot or shoulder massage & reflexology
- Chalkdrawing on sidewalks - Closing Group Activity: 2:30-3:00
- Clean up: 3:00-4:00