If you are interested in learning more about UU history, our fellowship’s history, meeting new folks, and exploring the first phase of possibly joining this tradition, please join Laura McBride on Sunday, June 28 at 12:30 p.m. Feel free to eat your lunch and plan for 1-2 hours of connection, learning, and relaxation. There is no exam or homework. If you are interested in watching a introductory video regarding our faith, please view this YouTube video by Peter Bowden called Unitarian Universalism: You're Uni-What?. If you have specific questions, please contact Laura at [email protected] or call/text 989-772-5512. Join us via Zoom!
The UUFCM board has voted that worship services continue to be online only for the next six months (June through November). This decision is informed by the recommendations from the UUA. Their work is comprehensive and worth looking at. They recommend shutting down worship for the next 11 months, and we have decided to go with 6 months, re-evaluating in November.
The main reasons behind this decision are, first, that worship (unlike shopping for groceries) is not essential. Since there is risk of infection even with masks and social distancing, the risk outweighs the benefit. Second, gathering for worship is an inherently high-risk event, with a group of people in an indoor space for more than an hour. Third, a partial re-opening of worship would tend to include some people and exclude others–so the decision to put off worship for a longer time is more inclusive. We want to re-open when everyone can be here safely. Finally, deciding to close worship for six months lets us move on with planning. This is the new normal; this is how we gather our congregation now. Since we know we are doing this for the long haul, we can focus on doing it even better: more love, more justice, and more inclusion in our online space. The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Central Michigan is seeking a qualified quarter-time Director of Religious Education (DRE) for the Religious Education (RE) Program. This position offers valuable experience in working with children of all ages, lesson planning, event organizing, and program management. To learn more, please view this flyer or email our current DRE, Kendra Peffers, at [email protected].
February 2025