We are in the process of updating our Directory. If you made any changes since August (postal address, phone number, email, your name, or added children), please check our online version to see if it needs updating. If so, contact Gisela at [email protected] or Kirsten at [email protected] before January 22. Contact Gisela for the password if necessary. Thank you very much for helping us to keep the Directory current.
Every August we update our Directory with an Addendum, which includes new people, changes in names, postal addresses, emails, and phone numbers. Can you help us to make our Directory current? Please check your printed Directory of February 2022 and/or the online one and let us know if your entries have changed. The Directory is password protected. If you can't remember the (admittedly difficult, but safer) password, please contact Gisela Moffit. Deadline for submission is Monday, August 8. Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Hard copies of our new Directory are now available at the church. When you join the service in person, you can pick up your copy from the greeter or on the ledge in the foyer (has a blue cover). Since the online version will be updated regularly and is password protected, a small sticker with the password is posted inside. Please do not share this with anybody. If you notice inaccuracies, let Gisela know.
Did you change your name, postal or email address, phone number, or add a child since last year? We are in the process of updating the Directory and need to hear from you. We want to have the most current entries, so please check the online directory (if you forgot the password, contact Gisela) and send any updates to Gisela or Kirsten at [email protected]. The deadline is Sunday, January 23. Thank you for your assistance!
February 2025