On Sunday, April 18, 2021, our Stewardship Drive officially ended, and we happily report that it was a great success! We won’t know the final pledge amount until all have sent in their pledges. In the next few weeks, members of the Stewardship Committee (Carol Rard, Gisela Moffit, Jessica Jernigan, Mary Alsager, Guy Newland), will make follow-up calls, and the result will be announced at our Annual Business meeting on May 16. We want to thank all of you who have given what you can, often increasing your pledge from last year. Your generosity will enable us to grow our fellowship, deepen our spiritual journeys, and strengthen our active participation in social justice issues. |
This orientation is geared to newcomers, visitors, and those seeking to learn more about Unitarian Universalism and this UU fellowship. It is offered every month on the last Sunday at 12:30 p.m. Sessions run approximately two hours. If you are interested in watching an introductory video regarding our faith, please view this YouTube video by Peter Bowden called Unitarian Universalism: You're Uni-What? For more info or to register for Welcome to UU, contact: Laura McBride: 989.772.5512 [email protected]
On the third Sunday of every month – immediately following our worship service – the UUFCM Board holds a brief Fellowship Life meeting to update the congregation on current happenings, plans and/or concerns within the congregation. The intention is for the meetings to be kept brief; the hope is for extended conversation to take place following the meeting during the coffee hour time. Please plan to attend. We will explain the proposed changes to the bylaws, which will be voted on in May, and share the status of plans for restarting meetings in person.
“Generosity is the most natural outward expression of an inner attitude of compassion and loving-kindness.”
― The Dalai Lama XIV This Sunday, April 18 will mark the end of this year’s stewardship drive. The Stewardship committee would like to thank everyone who has made a financial pledge or expressed an interest in volunteering. If you’re one of the congregation members who still has forms to fill out, please do! The fellowship can always make good use of your time and talents, and we’re just $5,000 away from achieving our pledge goal. Donations are essential to maintaining UUFCM as we work to foster our beloved community and create a more just, more loving world. If you have any questions about the stewardship drive, volunteering, or next year’s budget, please don’t hesitate to contact Carol Rard, Mary Alsager, Jessica Jernigan, Gisela Moffit, or Guy Newland.
February 2025