Tornado Warning Response
- Upon receipt of a tornado warning, congregants should proceed to the Green Room
or the Hallway adjacent to the Sanctuary or the Basement. - Children should be brought to those locations by RE personnel.
- People with disabilities will be assisted by designated congregants.
- Congregants are asked to remain in place until there is an all-clear notification.
Fire Warning Response
In the event of a fire or fire warning, the safest response for congregants is to exit the building.
- Congregants in the Sanctuary should exit through the double doors
in the back of the Sanctuary. Doors open inward. - Occupants of other rooms should use the nearest safe exit
as designated by the wall signage. - People with disabilities will be assisted by designated congregants.
- Children will be directed to the nearest safe exit by RE personnel.
- Our Church designated meeting area is in front of the Library.
This is where parents should meet their children.