September, October, November – Hispanics (Hispanic Heritage Month) & Native Americans (Indigenous Peoples Day)
January, February – Black/African American (Martin Luther King Jr. Day & Black History Month)
March, April - Women (Women’s History Month) & Environment (Earth Day)
June, July – LGBTQ+ (Pride) & Native Americans (summer powwow)
We’ve just kicked off our first “season” at the worship service on September 10. As a team, we’ve researched books, children’s books, movies, organizations, podcasts, etc., about Hispanics (Hispanic Heritage Month) & Native Americans (Indigenous Peoples Day) so that you would have a variety of intentions to choose from – read a book, watch a movie, peruse a website, for example. Our two pages of ideas are below, and we’ll add more as events come up with the various months.
We encourage each of you to make an intention and then, preferably, make it public by writing it on our Intention Posters in the Fellowship Hall. Throughout this “season,” we will hopefully be able to share what each of us is accomplishing to meet our intention! Please join in our efforts!
2023 Hispanic Heritage Month Materials
2023 Indigenous People Day Materials