The Board-appointed nominating committee (Mary Alsager, Guy Newland, and Chris Bailey) has nominated a slate of candidates for board elections in May. They are: Norma Bailey for President-Elect, Terrie Robbie for Treasurer, Mel Bailey for a one-year term as trustee, and Jen Davis for a two-year term as trustee. Leaving the board will be Mary Alsager, Janis Shinn, and Daniel Davis.
Per Board policy, which will be a proposed addition to the bylaws, there is an alternative nominating procedure. If you would like to run for one of the above mentioned open Board positions, create a petition stating this and have it signed by three other church members. Send this petition to Mary Alsager, chair of the nominating committee, no later than April 19.
The 2020-2021 Stewardship Pledge Packet is available on our website. Please read, consider, and respond prior to Sunday, April 19, 2020. You may also fill out your pledge card or volunteer form online.